defnormal_box_muller(): import random from math import sqrt, log, pi, cos, sin u1 = random.random() u2 = random.random() r = sqrt(-2 * log(u1)) theta = 2 * pi * u2 z0 = r * cos(theta) z1 = r * sin(theta) return z0, z1
接下来,我们来看看 Box-Muller 法生成的二维标准正态分布动画吧
Box-Muller 方法还有一种形式,称为极坐标形式,属于拒绝采样方法。
1. 生成独立的 u, v 和 s
分别生成 [0, 1] 均匀分布 u 和 v。令 \(s =
r^2 = u^2 + v^2\)。如果 s = 0或 s ≥ 1,则丢弃 u 和 v
,并尝试另一对 (u , v)。因为 u 和 v
是均匀分布的,并且因为只允许单位圆内的点,所以 s
的值也将均匀分布在开区间 (0, 1) 中。注意,这里的 s
的意义虽然也为半径,但不同于基本方法中的 s。这里 s 取值范围为
(0, 1) ,目的是通过 s 生成指数分布,而基本方法中的 s 取值范围为 [0,
+∞],表示二维正态分布 PDF 采样点的半径。复用符号 s
我们用代码来验证 s 服从 (0, 1) 范围上的均匀分布。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
defgen_polar_s(): import random whileTrue: u = random.uniform(-1, 1) v = random.uniform(-1, 1) s = u * u + v * v if s >= 1.0or s == 0.0: continue return s
defplot_polar_s(): s = [gen_polar_s() for _ inrange(10000) ] plot_dist_1d(s, title='PDF Polar $s = u^2 + v^2$')
defnormal_box_muller_polar(): import random from math import sqrt, log whileTrue: u = random.uniform(-1, 1) v = random.uniform(-1, 1) s = u * u + v * v if s >= 1.0or s == 0.0: continue z0 = u * sqrt(-2 * log(s) / s) z1 = v * sqrt(-2 * log(s) / s) return z0, z1
# AC # Runtime: 408 ms, faster than 23.80% of Python3 online submissions for Implement Rand10() Using Rand7(). # Memory Usage: 16.7 MB, less than 90.76% of Python3 online submissions for Implement Rand10() Using Rand7(). classSolution: defrand10(self): whileTrue: a = rand7() if a <= 3: b = rand7() if b <= 5: return b elif a <= 6: b = rand7() if b <= 5: return b + 5
# AC # Runtime: 376 ms, faster than 54.71% of Python3 online submissions for Implement Rand10() Using Rand7(). # Memory Usage: 16.9 MB, less than 38.54% of Python3 online submissions for Implement Rand10() Using Rand7(). classSolution: defrand10(self): whileTrue: a, b = rand7(), rand7() num = (a - 1) * 7 + b if num <= 40: return num % 10 + 1
# AC # Runtime: 344 ms, faster than 92.72% of Python3 online submissions for Implement Rand10() Using Rand7(). # Memory Usage: 16.7 MB, less than 90.76% of Python3 online submissions for Implement Rand10() Using Rand7(). classSolution: defrand10(self): whileTrue: a, b = rand7(), rand7() num = (a - 1) * 7 + b if num <= 40: return num % 10 + 1 a = num - 40 b = rand7() num = (a - 1) * 7 + b if num <= 60: return num % 10 + 1 a = num - 60 b = rand7() num = (a - 1) * 7 + b if num <= 20: return num % 10 + 1
# The rand7() API is already defined for you. rand7_c = 0 rand10_c = 0
defrand7(): global rand7_c rand7_c += 1 import random return random.randint(1, 7) defrand10(): global rand10_c rand10_c += 1 whileTrue: a, b = rand7(), rand7() num = (a - 1) * 7 + b if num <= 40: return num % 10 + 1 a = num - 40# [1, 9] b = rand7() num = (a - 1) * 7 + b # [1, 63] if num <= 60: return num % 10 + 1 a = num - 60# [1, 3] b = rand7() num = (a - 1) * 7 + b # [1, 21] if num <= 20: return num % 10 + 1
if __name__ == '__main__': whileTrue: rand10() print(f'{rand10_c}{round(rand7_c/rand10_c, 2)}')
那么Inverse Transformation Method 的第一步,随机生成 0-1 之间的数
u,可以直观的认为是在 y 轴上生成一个随机的点
y 轴上的均匀采样可以生成给定PMF的 x 的分布。
x,其CDF的范围包括了 u,即
F^{-1}(u)=\min \{x: F(x) \geq u\}
y 轴上可以切分成长度为 \(\Delta u\)
的线段,那么生成的 x 值就是其近似值。随着 $ _{u } $,最终 $ x=F^{-1}(u)
$ 即为满足要求的分布。
defpoisson(lambdda: float) -> int: total = 1.0 i = 0 threshold = exp(-1 * lambdda) while total >= threshold: u = random.random() total *= u i += 1 return i - 1
defsimulate_bruteforce(n: int) -> bool: """ Simulates one round. Unbounded time complexity. :param n: total number of seats :return: True if last one has last seat, otherwise False """
seats = [Falsefor _ inrange(n)]
for i inrange(n-1): if i == 0: # first one, always random seats[random.randint(0, n - 1)] = True else: ifnot seats[i]: # i-th has his seat seats[i] = True else: whileTrue: rnd = random.randint(0, n - 1) # random until no conflicts ifnot seats[rnd]: seats[rnd] = True break returnnot seats[n-1]
defsimulate_online(n: int) -> bool: """ Simulates one round of complexity O(N). :param n: total number of seats :return: True if last one has last seat, otherwise False """
# for each person, the seats array idx available are [i, n-1] for i inrange(n-1): if i == 0: # first one, always random rnd = random.randint(0, n - 1) swap(rnd, 0) else: if seats[i] == i: # i-th still has his seat pass else: rnd = random.randint(i, n - 1) # selects idx from [i, n-1] swap(rnd, i) return seats[n-1] == n - 1
这一节我们用数学递推思维来解释0.5的解。令f(n) 为第 n
位乘客坐在自己的座位上的概率,考察第一个人的情况(first step
这种思想可以写出如下代码,seats为 n 大小的bool
defsimulate(n: int) -> bool: """ Simulates one round of complexity O(N). :param n: total number of seats :return: True if last one has last seat, otherwise False """
seats = [Falsefor _ inrange(n)]
for i inrange(n-1): if i == 0: # first one, always random rnd = random.randint(0, n - 1) seats[rnd] = True else: ifnot seats[i]: # i-th still has his seat seats[i] = True else: # 0 must not be available, now we have 0 and [i+1, n-1], rnd = random.randint(i, n - 1) if rnd == i: seats[0] = True else: seats[rnd] = True returnnot seats[n-1]